User Information
Username: WladczyniKamila
Joined: June 7th 2012
Last Login: 2025-02-2519:08:23
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Location: Poland
A little about me...
if you want to be my property type:
in the content how you lure write how old you are and why you think you are suitable
Witam .Szukam kobiety i tylko kobiety uleglej ,swiadomej swojej uleglosci i bezwglednie oddanej. W zamian za to oferuje sluzbe i tresure. Od ch�osty, ponizania poprzez gwa�t roznymi przedmiotami ,zabawkami erotycznymi oraz fisting.Za wzorowe zachowanie przewiduje nagrody ,jednak za wszelkie formy niepodporzadkowania bede surowo karac.Zapraszam do kontaktu(proscie o mail i co nalezy podac w jego tresci) naprawde zdecydowane osoby. Podkre�lam jeszcze raz że interesuja mnie wylacznie kobiety.
Orientacja: dominuj�ca / dominuj�cy
Preferencje: Sex, Bondage, Spanking, Sex Oralny, Dominacja, Tortury, Sex Analny, Piss, Fetysz
Welcome. Looking for women and only women submissive, conscious of the submission and absolutely dedicated. In return, it offers services and training. From beatings, humiliation through rape various objects, erotic toys and fisting. For exemplary behavior provides for prizes, but for all forms of non-I will be severely punished. Invite you to contact (email and ask about what should be given in its content) really determined person. I stress again that I am interested only women.
Orientation: Dominant / dominant
Preferences: Sex, Bondage, Spanking, Oral Sex, Domination, Torture, Anal Sex, Piss, Fetish